Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

The Blockchain Club establishes in these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy the conditions for using the website clubedoblockchain.com by its users, as well as the treatment related to the use of information from users collected during their navigation on the website.


By accessing the website, the user agrees and fully accepts the provisions of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.


The Site has areas of open content and restricted content and / or services. For access to restricted content and / or services, it may be necessary for the user to register on the Site, by creating a profile with login and password, and / or provision some personal registration data.

2.1. The user is responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the informed data.

2.2. Sharing login and / or password with any third party is expressly prohibited.



3.1.1.There are 02 ( two ) ways of collecting information from users ( “Information” ): ( i ) through the registration made by the user on the Site, according to item 2 and sub-items above; and ( ii ) through the use of cookies or other technology that allows storing information about navigation of the user on the Site ( “Navigation Records” ).

The user of the Site is aware of and agrees with the collection, storage, processing, processing and use of Information sent and / or transmitted by the user under the terms set out in these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

3.1.2.User information is collected, stored, processed, processed and used by the Company and / or third parties authorized by it for the following purposes:

( i ) develop, maintain and improve the features and functionality of the Site; ( ii ) enable access to and use of the Site's resources and functionalities by users; ( iii ) analyze the performance of the Site, check the browsing habits of users on the Site; ( iv ) analyzes related to the security of the Site and development of anti-fraud tools; ( v ) improve users' browsing experiences on the Site; ( vi ) identify the profiles, habits and needs of users for any offers of products and / or services.

3.1.3. The Company preserves users' privacy and does not share their data and information with third parties, except with the user's own consent, by law or court order and in the hypothesis provided for in item 3.1.4.

3.1.4. The user is aware and authorizes, for the purposes set out in item 3.1.2., that your Information is provided by the Company to its respective partners or third parties hired by the Company to provide any service related to the Site.


4.1. Cookies are small files that can be added to your computer and / or device and that allow you to store and recognize your browsing data.

4.2. In your navigation on the Site, 01 ( a ) type of cookies may be used:

( i ) Authentication Cookies: serve to recognize a particular user, enabling access and use of the Site with restricted content and / or services, as well as providing more personalized browsing experiences.

4.3. For the purposes described in item 4.2., The Company may collect, store, process, process and use the following information regarding the user's navigation on the Site, that integrate the “Navigation Records”:

( i ) Geographic location; ( ii ) Operating system used by the user; ( iii ) Browser and its respective versions; ( iv ) Screen resolution; ( v ) Flash player installed; ( vi ) IP address; ( vii ) ID code ( IMEI ) of the mobile device through which the User accessed the Site; ( cii ) Information regarding the date and time of use of the Site by a specific user, from a certain IP address;

4.4. The user can disable cookies through his browser configuration options. However, when deciding to ban cookies, the user is aware and recognizes that it is possible that the Site does not perform all its functionalities.


5.1. The Site may contain links to third party website ( s ). The user is aware and agrees that the existence of these links does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship of a third party website ( s and acknowledges being subject to the terms of use and privacy policies of ) s ( website ) s ( respective ( s ).


Due to or through the use of the Site, the user will not be able to:

( i ) practice any illegal acts and / or violation of current legislation, including the provisions of Law 9.613 / 98 and Law 12.846 / 13; ( ii ) practice acts contrary to morals and good customs; ( iii ) perform acts that cause or cause contamination or harm any Company and / or third party equipment, including through viruses, trojans, malware, worm, bot, backdoor, spyware, rootkit, or any other devices that may be created; ( iv ) perform any acts that directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, may cause harm to the Company and / or any third party.


The user is solely responsible for:

( i ) for any and all acts or omissions performed by him from his access to the Internet and / or the Site; ( ii ) for any and all content uploaded, sent and / or transmitted to the Site.

7.1. In no event will the Company and / or third parties hired by the Company to provide any service relating to the Site be responsible for:

( i ) for any act or omission performed and / or damage caused by the user resulting from access to the Site; ( ii ) for the misuse of the Site by any user and / or for the content uploaded, sent and / or transmitted to the Site by Users; ( iii ) due to failures, technical impossibilities or unavailability of the system; ( i ) by installing virus, trojans, malware, worm, bot, backdoor, spyware, rootkit, or any other devices on the user's equipment that may be created as a result of the user's Internet browsing.

7.2. If the user fails to comply with any provision of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy or legal provision, without prejudice to other measures, the Company may, by itself or by third parties, at any time, at its sole discretion, without the need for any prior notice or notification or after any user or any third party, without prejudice to initiating appropriate legal measures, take the measures they deem needed for the fulfillment of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and for the proper functioning of the Site.


The Company, by itself or by third parties, at any time, at its sole discretion and without the need for any prior or subsequent notice to any user or third party, may: ( i ) suspend, cancel or interrupt access to the Site and ( ii ) remove, change and / or update in whole or in part the Site as well as its respective contents and/or Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Any change and / or update of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will take effect from the date of its publication on the Site and must be fully observed by Users.


These Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are governed by Brazilian law.